Pocket-Friendly Cellphones For Seniors


Cellphones have come a long way in the past few years, with features and functions that can be overwhelming for an older generation. However, if you’re looking for a smartphone that is easy to navigate and will require as little explanation as possible when you need help, then this article is for you!

Types of Cellphones

Cellphones are one of the most popular items in today’s society. With the advancement in technology, smartphones have been developed. They can provide an easier and more convenient way to communicate with family and friends through text or email. Sometimes seniors may not be able to see well enough to use their old phone, or they may not want to make the purchase because they cannot afford it. There are several types of cellphones that come at different prices and security levels.

Features to Consider

There are a lot of features that you should consider when buying a smartphone for an older person. As a result of their age, some people might have poor eyesight or hearing and may not be able to use touch screens. For these individuals, it would be best to buy a model with physical buttons and larger font sizes. Another feature that is essential is an enlarged keyboard that can be used with gloves on. There are many features that should be considered before making a purchase. It is wise to review your current cell phone for its durability and battery life so that you know exactly how long your device will last before needing to be replaced. You might also want to consider the overall size of your new smartphone. Some senior citizens find it cumbersome and difficult to carry their larger cell phone everywhere they go.

Downsides and Disadvantages

The disadvantages of using a smartphone include that people can’t use their phones during deafening noise. Some seniors are afraid that they’ll forget things when they go back to a regular phone and pocket-friendly cellphone users won’t have as much power as they do with a phone. However, there are some benefits such as the fact that people can’t hear the same number of times over on their cellphones because it’s not always constantly ringing like it does on an old-fashioned phone.

Choice of Phones for Seniors

A lot of people that are 60+ don’t have a problem buying smartphones because they’re still taking care of themselves. However, there is a big category of seniors that cannot afford new phones and even if they could, it would be difficult for them to understand what to do with the phone. These seniors are over-the-phone or have difficulty texting. Being in the market for a new phone but also considering your health, it is important to look for phones that are not just pocket-friendly but also designed with seniors in mind. There are many options on the market and you can choose from touchscreen or old-school phones. Check out these phones below and make a choice that will keep you safe from radiation.